There is a space in you and me where resistance is not felt.
Present in this space is only bliss, love joy and a deep sense of inner peace.
This space is achievable, yet fickle. It comes and goes like a gentle breeze for those who have not taken the time to know it. For those who have, this space is the realm where all things become possible.
This is the space of trust. The space of faith. The space of complete self-love and unshakeable confidence in the divine. In this place I know I am whole.
In this space I know I Am God.
What makes this space so special is that it is our natural state. It is the most centra aspect of our being and the most absolute truth of our identity... Yet so many of us do not know this.
The miseducation of our parents, the indoctrination of society as a whole, the veil of what we were told is reality is what prevents us from experience what actually IS.
When you look at a tree, you see a tree. When I look at a tree, I see the other half of my lungs.
The mysterious and inaccurately conceived state of isolation that we live in is truly a state of amnesia. We must return to the whole and remember who We Are.
Realizing that all things are interconnected will presence you to your own interconnectedness and thus, your own divinity. These subtle moments where freedom or bliss can be felt, but often cannot be described simply because the beauty feels so right and so normal and so familiar that we barely pay attention to it.
Yet these moments are indicative of a truth that will set us free. A peace that will ease our minds. A joy that brings never-ending joy.
This is the space of allowing.
When we realize our own infiniteness, we sit peacefully and faithfully in it knowing that all is well and all is possible. All that can be dreamed is real and all that is real was once dreamed. We become subjected to the flow.
Our breath takes us on a new journey.
Our tension eases.
Our minds rest.
And after a while, we return to what we know so well. Normality... but we return with a new weapon to combat this normality: the knowing that we are something more.
In knowing this, we can bring all things into manifested form.
Àse. It is So.