to truly understand life,
one must understand spirituality.
Life is a vibrational journey of cause and effect. Unaware of this universal truth, many live in states of defensiveness, confusion and unidentified fear. Understanding spirituality shines a light on these shadows. Love, wealth, clarity, happiness and wholeness are all available to each of us. Together we can bring these things into reality.

higher levels of consciousness
deeper levels of authenticity

raising consciousness centers on developing the spiritual relationship between self and the universe in a practical and beautiful way that makes life more free-flowing, abundant and enjoyable.

i am a lifelong spiritual autodidact. my journey has led me through many challenges. i struggled to make sense of life for a long time. it became clear, that in order for me to understand what i was experiencing, i'd need to develop an understanding of what reality actually is. this has been the foundation of my spiritual journey and has led me to many beautiful moments and a constantly improving quality of life. click here to learn more about my philosophy.
Not just a fancy name for my blog, this is truly my personal journal. This is where I capture my most sacred thoughts and ideas, explore mystical concepts. and discover deeper understandings. I allow my soul to lead me. These writings are my gifts to you. they are written from my soul, so that they may reach yours.

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