Self -Love is the
key to Success
Self -Love is the
key to Success
Self-Love is trending these days, and for good reason. More and more people are learning about it, trying it out, sharing it on social media and changing their lives, but Self-Love is more than a trend.
Self-Love it's more than just an idea that sounds nice, it's something that you must actively do. You've heard people say "Love is a verb," before right? With Self-Love, it's no different. In order to have Self-Love, you have to Love yourself and taking action is required to do that.
The truth is that most of us have no idea how to actually Love ourselves. It isn't something that is generally taught, or exemplified, or common practice amongst our elders - especially within Black and other non-white communities. The glorification and over celebration of whiteness has created the perfect conditions for Black self-hate to fester and spread.
As Black people, we have to learn to Love ourselves - now.
"Your growth, evolution, transformation and overall success rely on your ability to Love yourself.
- Cushi Ming

Abundance is a state of mind
If you're like I was, you probably think that "abundance" means having a lot of money. Makes sense. That's the way most people think of it nowadays, but when we dig up the history of the word, we find something slightly different.
The Online Etymology Dictionary says that abundance is, "a copious quantity or supply." The word's Latin roots, "abundans" & "abundare" literally mean, "overflowing, full," and "to overflow."
Whenever you see the word "flow," what you're really talking about is energy. So creating abundance, which literally means, "overflow," really means creating an abundant flow of energy... YOUR energy.
Moving the focus from money to energy, changes the expectation and allows endless possibilities to open up - success, romance, friendships, support, health, wealth, and of course, Self-Love.
We can't force, beg or coerce money to be abundant for us, but we can create a state of abundance within our minds and flow abundance into any and every area of our lives.
Abundance is not about money.
It's about living well. It's about loving yourself, showing up for yourself and challenging yourself in healthy ways. It's about self-care. It's about releasing anything that blocks the natural free flow of your energy. Abundance is the way that energy flows into, through and throughout of your life.
This course takes the ideas of abundance, wealth, and riches out of their traditionally understood context of finance and
puts them in the unlimited, dynamic, endlessly
possible context of energy.
"Where attention goes, energy flows."
- T. Harv Ecker

Abundance begins with Self-Love
Abundance begins with Self-Love

And Self-Love begins with choosing you
Abundant Self-Love is your birth right. As an emanation of Divine Universal energy, you are born worthy, born deserving and born to thrive!
With this course, that's exactly what you'll learn to do. We start by setting the foundation, establish a few core spiritual principles that your Self-Love Journey will be built on, learn powerful ways to set intentions, and create your own Abundant Self-Love ritual, all while experience new, diverse practices that will light you up and energize you to the core of your being.

You're probably wondering...
Is this course right for me?
Developing a relationship Self-Love will improve anyone's life, but here are some key questions to ask yourself to decide if this course
is right for you.
Am I doing all I can, but still can't seem to make any real progress?
Am I stuck in a relationship(s) that feel out of alignment with my heart, my gut or my values?
Are there any areas of my life that feel overwhelming or frustrating or stagnant?
Do I self-criticize, self-deprecate or use negative self-talk when things seem to go wrong?
Do I spend too much time placing the needs of others ahead of my own?
Do I feel disconnected Spiritually and want to make the connection?
Do I want to experience a stronger sense of Love for myself?
Am I ready and financially able to invest time and money into my healing and growth?
If you answered yes to any of these questions, Guess what...
This course is for you!

I 'm Cushi
I 'm Cushi
Have you ever felt alone, confused, broken, stressed, or depressed?
I have.
I've dedicated the past 10 years of my life to deep introspection, self-work and Spirituality in order to understand how I - and anyone else - could become successful, fulfilled and happy.
And guess what the key is?
It isn't money, it isn't a relationship, it isn't a job, it isn't a business,
or a family, or a house. It's the ability to love yourself unconditionally.
This course takes my most potent Self-Love lessons and condenses them into easy to understand, engaging video lessons and solidifies the learning with practical tools, techniques and rituals to integrate the deep learning quickly and powerfully.
Self-Love is your ultimate gift to yourself. Self-love is the Universe's ultimate gift to you. Self-Love is the one thing that can change everything.
Learn to love yourself abundantly today.
Sign up for Abundant Self-Love by clicking the button below.

What we'll cover
Intro & Intention
Discover what the course is about + set a powerful intention to
manifest the outcome you desire.
Section 1: My self-Love
Learn the pitfalls and mistakes I made and how discovering and
practicing active Self-Love changed my life
Section 2: Grounding
in Love
Establishing the framework, foundation and context for everything
you'll learn in the course + basics of Spirituality
Section 3: Self-Love
& manifestation
Understand manifestation and how to utilize Self-Love as a
powerful catalyst to manifest your goals fast
Section 4: Enough is
You've heard people say "You are enough." Discover what this
powerful concept really means and make it a part of who you are.
Section 5: Loving
your body
Discover the body's role in holding negative emotions and childhood
traumas and learn to release these experience with potent rituals
Section 6: Ritualizing
Connect with the mystic practice of ritualization and bring sacredness
and reverence into your daily life by honoring and loving yourself.
Section 7: Self-Love
as a lifestyle
Integrate what you've learned by creating your own Self-Love rituals
and routines.

Bonus Materials
I've created many tools and exercises to support the deep healing work that I've done. I've included my favorite and most powerful tools for free for anyone who purchases this course. Each of these materials are sold on their own creating hundreds of dollars of additional value that you'll get for free!​​​
Rewrite Your Beliefs worksheet - $44 value​
Speak It How You Want It worksheet - $44 value​
Scheduling for Success worksheet - $44 value​
Conscious Social Media worksheet - $44 value​
Ritualizing Self-Love worksheet - $44 value​
Self-Love Meditation - $88 value​
Abundance Affirmations - $88 value​
Access to Spiritual Affluence Masterclass - $360 value
Total Bonus Value:
Combined Value: $978
Your Investment:

You deserve to
feel gooD
about yourself
You deserve to feel confident, esteemed, overjoyed and excited about your life. You deserve to feel profound empathy, compassion and gentleness for yourself and your process of transformation. You deserve to Love yourself! Deeply, powerfully, unconditionally and - of course -abundantly!
This is your life. You have to live it. You have to wake up and be you every day.
The days of fretting your life, being frustrated with your lack of progress and hating yourself and/or your current situation can end here. Give yourself the life you deserve by learning to Love yourself. Only you can do it. Only you can make the shift.
This course is for you!
$978 value for only $222!

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Catch me on the 'Gram
©2021 by Cushi Ming
©2021 by Cushi Ming