and i'm all about
My work as a coach is centered around creating socially conscious and equitable communities by economically empowering Black entrepreneurs, teaching white people to be effective allies & developing equitable & socially conscious messaging & practices with white-run businesses & organizations.
"Love is who you are. God is who you are.
I'm here to remind you of these truths."
• • • The Coaching Experience • • •
• • • The Coaching Experience • • •
Working with me 1:1 creates a container where the deepest internal personal work in these areas can happen. As members of an inequitable society, we each bear the responsibility of improving ourselves in order to impact others. We must choose to establish a vision of true equity and equip ourselves with the tools to accomplish it - because community transformation occurs one individual at a time.
Workshops & courses are powerful steps towards this, but transformation occurs through the kind of deep honesty & self-reflection that can only be accessed in safe, trusted spaces.
1:1 coaching is that safe space.
Explore your mindset and belief systems, be challenged on your biases and subconscious programming, and tap into the high-vibrational energy that will transform your relationship to economic empowerment & social justice, by learning learning to love yourself first.
Coaching with me isn't about goin over the same regurgitated strategies that you've heard a thousand times. This is a space for you to discover and create systems, structures and practices that are work for you because they're sourced from the infinite Divine wisdom within you.
It’s an opportunity to discover your natural rhythm, to appreciate the quirks and idiosyncrasies that make you, you and to leverage those misunderstood gifts and natural abilities to create a beautiful, meaningful impact while serving the world through your Divine purpose.
Coaching with me is an homage to your inner Divinity and a path to unconditional self-love and acceptance, because self-love is the wellspring for ideation, implementation and success.
client testimonials

"Cushi coaches from a spiritual perspective, that’s not in your face, making it incredibly personal. he knows how to connect beyond the surface in a powerful & transformational way."
Best Selling Publicist
Harlem, NYC
"Working with Cushi was deeply transformative. His grounded energy allowed me to safely acknowledge my discomfort, explore my feelings & get to the root of my current challenge."

Self-Love Advocate & Mentor
Los Angels, CA

" Working with Cushi helped me to understand the importance of getting really clear on my message and knowing how I want people who interact with my business to feel."
Hamilton, Bermuda
Working with Cushi was so much fun! I received so many gems of wisdom on our calls as well as a clearer view of my bigger picture plus powerful practices to help me bring it into fruition.

Beauty Content Creator

Your business is the
unfolding of your
spiritual journey.
Connect your purpose
and passions and
show up to serve.

What is conscious entrepreneurship?

Conscious Entrepreneurship is where
business & Spirituality meet.
As a Spiritual person, your business isn't just a way to earn money, it's the main classroom of your
Spiritual journey & awakening.
Your business is a sacred expression of who you are. Your most guarded ideas, your deepest passions, the painful lessons, the moments of victory - all blend together to form a concoction of Divine you-niqueness poured oh-so-generously into your "baby."
Your magnificent yet fragile dreams, on display for the whole world to see.
In a way, your business is an embodiment of your identity. Just as your most sincere self-expressions will naturally manifest in our business, your deepest fears, hidden insecurities, and unhealed wounds will all show up, too - in the most inconvenient of times (of course). You'll be called to shed old beliefs and old concepts of yourself in exchange for deep healing, transformation and expansion into the being you're truly
meant to become.
What is conscious

As Spiritual people, we often feel at odds with money. Often, our childhood programming would lead us to believe that money is unnecessary at best and out right evil at worst.
I'm sure a lot of y'all who are reading this grew up hearing that age old misquote, "money is the root of all evil."
Conscious Entrepreneurship Coaching teaches the Spiritual nature of money in a way that feels honest, natural and aligned with our Spiritual beliefs.
Conscious Entrepreneurship Coaching blends timeless spiritual principles with leading edge business strategies
& money
Become a conscious
Take the first step towards a heart-lead, soul-inspired business today by booking a free sample session. Get a feel for the experience of this powerful framework and leave the call with a strategy and a solid understanding of where you stand, where you're going and how to get there.

click here to download your
free Conscious
Business Toolkit!

allows for
Leverage your unique gifts & become an impactful ally

What is white allyship?
White allyship
is the leveraging of white privilege to serve underprivileged
The Universe is shifting into an age of higher consciousness. Humans are widely awakening to the social ills we've long been subjected to with the systematic oppression of Black, Brown and "not-white" people across the globe at the center of it all.
For centuries, white people have lived in their bubble of privilege. Living with the belief that things are "just the way they are." Blaming Black people for the uncomfortable economic situations
we find ourselves in.
In 2020, that bubble popped.
White people at large have unearthed the murderous history that established their privilege and are struggling process it, heal it and to come to terms with it.
White guilt can be paralyzing. Many white people have felt the call to to do something, but are too afraid to do the wrong thing, discouraged by the sheer complexity of it all, or just don't know what they should do.
White Allyship coaching is for those people.

How does white allyship coaching make a difference?
White Allyship Coaching centers around the Spiritual concept of Oneness.
We are able to love another only to the extent that we are able to love ourselves. Looking within will show the underlying roots of prejudice are inextricably tied to ones own perception of self.
Dismantling our own inner blocks allows for more love to flow outward.
Once those blocks are clear, our focus progresses to defining your strengths, passions, gifts & talents. We'll explore them, learn to love them and use them to create meaningful impact in BI&PoC communities.
White allyship coaching teaches white people to use their privilege and their individual gifts to create actions towards equity.

Take the quiz to find out
what kind of
ally you are!

Coaching is for you if
Coaching isn't for you if
Ready and willing to take responsibility for the quality of your life and the quality of your communities
Willing to challenge your belief systems and everything you thought you knew
Passionate about integrating equity, social justice, inclusion & diversity, allyship etc into your personal life and/or businesses/organizations
Ready to learn how to leverage your unique gifts & skills to make live a fuller life and make an impact in the world
Earning at least $10,000/month ($120k/year)
Happily racist, too comfortable in your privilege to check yourself, or against the freedoms of any marginalized group.
Looking for a business strategy consultant who will give you all the answers and strategies - coaching with me is not just about “business.” It
If you only see your business as “business” meaning that you see it as a separate entity from you and your personal/spiritual growth. As spiritual beings and conscious entrepreneurs, it is essential for us to understand that our businesses are the classroom of the unfurling of the greatest version of ourselves, and not simply a way to make money or a numbers game. Coaching with me requires rigorous and devoted self-inquiry, triggering vulnerability, and soul stirring authenticity. It is not for the faint of heart.
Unwilling to take responsibility for your life through your thoughts, words and actions.
Unwilling or unable to see your own worth clearly enough to value investing in yourself, your purpose and your soul’s development.